Sunday, October 15, 2006

YouTube is Down

Update: Looks like it is finally back up at 5:18PM! Yay YouTube!

Just when I put together an awesome little halloween montage YouTube goes down! Damn it! I can't find any info but it's 5pm PST now so if you're planning on YouTubing tonight you may be waiting a while.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Open Mic

I went to an open mic tonight at the Wayward Coffee House in Greenwood. A LOT of good came from it. Not only did I get to hear some really good poetry and live music performances but I met a woman who does spiritual advising and needs a webmaster. Well since I did Robin Adair's page I thought "Shoot, I can do her's too!" I've made all of 50 bucks for my work with Robin which is actually not bad at all for the couple of hours it took me to build her site. I enjoyed it and it helped me land a job with this new lady.

For both of them I've offered to work for free unless they come across some money and want to pay me down the line. Which Robin has and which rocks. In the meantime this woman has agreed to do advising for me for free, she has an amazing skill at reading people and figuring out what it is they need to get to the next step. She may tell you things you know, don't know you know or she may blow your mind like she did me when she told me exactly what I need to do to get to my next step.

She's also offered to do advising at events and parties for me if I have any and has offered me money as she gets it, which is great. Even if I don't make money my web design resume is getting snazzy, a senatorial candidate and an advisor's page. Things like this can keep happening to me, I'm good with that.

The open mic itself was awesome, some really amazing poets and artists there, shit I may have to read next week. I'll be blogging about the performances themselves at metblogs so you should see it on the right there tonight or tommorrow.